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Cecilia + Cory Engagements

To start, I freaking love roadtrips. I love driving, rolling down the windows, and blasting my favorite songs. On this particular trip I was lucky enough to have my best friend tag along, so the start of this day was truly just perfect. I drove about 3 hours from Boise, ID to meet Cecilia and Cory on the outskirts of Oregon in Leslie Gulch. Cecilia wanted a western, rustic feel to her engagement photos and we got just that. If you haven't been there, you need to go ASAP. Its a stunning location surrounded by giant red rocks, sagebrush, random pine trees, cool cabins, and valleys. It doesn't even feel real when you are there, it feels like you are on Mars or at least what I would imagine Mars felt like. Be careful the last time I did a session there I came across a rattler, JUMP SCARE. We enjoyed a little bit of Pendleton Whisky, laughed A TON, and explored. Cecilia and Cory are getting married in August, and I am so blessed to say I will be capturing their big day in ALASKA. When Cecilia asked me, I swear I cried, screamed, maybe even blacked out for a split second.

I am so excited.

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